Listing Your Home for Sale
Yes, we do the basics, but we go beyond with professional stagers, photographers, marketers, internet, technology - We have a marketing plan!
Preparing for the sale
When you go out to a nice formal event or dinner, you don’t just get out of bed and jump in the car. NO! Instead you take the time to dress up and look your best. Same thing applies to selling your home. If your home does not look its best online, we will never get the buyer out from behind their computer to inside your home. We will help.

Experience Matters
There are so many factors when determining the value of home, it is not just what the neighbor’s home sold for. Are there foreclosures in the mix, new construction coming, other reasons why the neighbors are moving? We use our experience and resources available to us to create the right value for your home.
Personalized Seller Presentation
Every home and every seller is different, that is why a “One-size fits all” approach to selling your home does not work. We will create a detailed plan specifically for you.

Don't do this alone!
You have heard that it takes a village to raise a child, well it takes a team to properly sell your home. From Listing Coordinators, Marketing Consultants, Market Researchers, Title Experts and Closing Coordinators, we have an entire team working on your behalf.
Get in Touch
Speak to one of our agents today! We look forward to hearing from you and will reply back as quickly as possible. — We are always here and ready to help you.
12412 York St
Thornton, CO 80241